Friday, May 20, 2016

How Much Do You Love Your Body???

Friday...awesome, let's prepare for the weekend😂
I like to go to a certain restaurant very often, unfortunately I will only be going once a week, why you ask....I finally made it to the gym, I have been going everyday and I totally love it. I couldn't go today because I was truly exhausted but I will be there tomorrow. You see someone inspired me without realizing it. Someone I met a few weeks ago said something to me that resonated with me....he said he treats his body right, he works out and I am sure he eats right and it got me body is God's temple and the way I have been treating it is horrible so I am basically treating God as if He is unimportant, so because I love God so much I need to treat this temple with much love and respect. So as much as I love to frequent at my spot I have to tone it down. God's temple is very important to me and in the same token, I actually miss the way I feel when I work out. All my frustrations, disappointments, sadness, negative feelings etc.. are left at every machine. I walk out with pure happiness, and optimism.

So this week I went to my spot and had a very interesting conversation with a very bright young man. You see we both are from two different faiths and although we don't agree on everything we were able to have an amazing conversation about God and the difference in out beliefs, we didn't argue about who's faith is the right one and we didn't say either one of our faiths were the right one and it felt great. He was actually interested in my belief as was I equally interested in his. That just goes to show you that we could live harmoniously, without trying to force people to think, act and believe as you do.
Everybody is different, we as Christians are called to love each other, treat each other with respect, and encourage each other.

Well, this weekend will be a relaxing one...chores, gym and maybe I will take myself out to the movies. So far I have been one pretty good lol

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