Friday, January 28, 2011

Stop Complaining

So, I have come to the realization that we are a Nation that loves to complain, "it's too cold, it's too hot, it's raining too much, it's raining too little, there's too much snow, we want a white Christmas, I don't like my car, I don't like my hair"....etc, etc, get my point. The next time you think about complaining think of the blind person that will not be able to see the snow and how beautifully it blankets the trees, how about the Chemo patient that has lost his/her hair, or the person that is unable to get out of bed and walk outside just to feel the rain on his/her face, and don't forget the person that has to walk miles in the snow just to get to work.

We tend to forget how truly Blessed we are. When it snows a lot take time to just enjoy God's beauty, when you get caught in the rain Thank God for Washing you Clean (literately), when it's too cold Thank God that you are able to feel the cold, and when it's too Hot Thank God for THE SON!!!!

Live, Love Laugh.......God has it all under control

Be Blessed and Be Grateful.

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